We have a number of activities here at Mangawhai club. Our groups are welcoming, social and great fun!
Use the links below to learn more about our activities, and please contact us if you have any questions!
Housie was started to fundraise money to replace the carpet on our third bowling green. Players come from as far away as Wellsford and Waipu for an afternoon of fun.
We play on Friday - ticket sales commence at 11:30am and play gets underway at 12:00pm. Besides the ordinary houses the “SUPER HOUSE” is a major attraction and there is a “BUZZ” of excitement when one of our callers announces the start of the “BIG ONE”. The more people we have playing the bigger the prize pool.
Just come along, you will be made welcome. Players must be over the age of 18.
Contact: Jan Hollingsworth 021 504735
Cards / Games
This is a great night at The Club to socialise and meet new people. We hold Cards and Games nights on alternate Wednesdays during the winter months at 6:30pm.
Cards: Starting Wednesday 1st May 2024, fortnightly for 8 evenings. Register your team of 2 players to play 500, Crib or Euchre. 3 rounds played each night for the duration of the season. Cost is $20 per person for the season. Team wins are cumulative and there are prizes for each group on the last evening of the season. Choose your card partner, your team name, full names and phone numbers, and the game you wish to register for. Email these details to Monika: by Monday, 21st April.
Games: Starting Wednesday 8th May 2024, fortnightly for 8 evenings. Join a team of 8 to play games as varied as indoor bowls, darts, pool, table tennis, Jenga, Dice, Rummy, UNO, Rubiks, Bananagrams and more. No expertise required. Cost is $3 per person per night. There are prizes for the first 2 winning teams each night. Email details of your team including The Name of your Team, Team Captain and Vice-Captain, full names and phone numbers, to Monika: by Monday, 28th April. If you’d like to play, and want to join a team let us know.
Entry $30 with no rebuys. Arrive at 6.00pm for seat allocation & first hand will be at 6.30pm.
All money received will be distributed via three prizes, 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Winner also gets a flag on our leaderboard (Facebook page)
For further information contact Patrick
email: Text: (021) 94 22 87
Mondays 1.30pm to 4pm except public holidays.
Call Ann Talbot 0274588144 or email
Tuesdays 2:00pm to 4pm except public holidays.
Call Lynda Isdale on 021 0741887 for more information
Come join this friendly social group. We welcome new players and beginners and have plenty of experienced players to help others learn the fundamentals of this fun and challenging game.
Afternoon tea is provided at $1.00.
Link to Mah Jong Players Companion (recommended reading for all players)
Five Crowns
Every Sunday Afternoon. Sessions 2.00 - 2.55, 3.00 -3.55 or 4.00 – 4.55
Gold Coin Donation
Even if you haven't played before you are most welcome to come along. It is a lot of fun & easy to learn. Just roll up before the hour and stay for just one, two or three games if you want.
This will allow you to have a break and purchase refreshments at the bar. If you do happen to have a pack of cards, please bring them along as a backup.
Please contact Denise for further info: 0275222777